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IOA Newsletter Vol.12, No.1 /Spring 2001
Title¡GOcean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC) & Deep Ocean Water Appications (DOWA)
Author¡GMichel Gauthier,Lars Golmen,Don Lennard
Abstract¡GThis paper made a case for the European Union Commission to assess the full
             ¡@potential of OTEC/DOWA and support its development.
Keyword¡GOTEC,DOWA,renewable resource,technology
Title¡GReply as to whethter OTEC is being forgotten
Author¡GMartin G. Brown
Abstract¡GPerhaps the answer to Tar-Zen Su question in the last IOA Newsletter as to
             ¡@whether or not OTEC is being forgotten is that the concept has never been well
             ¡@know enough to be forgotten!
Title¡GSORTA 2000, the 14th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipubilding
Author¡GMichel Gauthier
Abstract¡GThe SORTA 2000 Symposium held in Rijeka from the 23rd tot he 25th of
             ¡@November 2000.