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IOA Newsletter Vol.6, No.1 /Spring 1995
Title¡GOcean Resource Development and the Utilization of deep Ocean Water: The U.S.
       ¡@Experience with Marine Biology and Mariculture
Author¡GJan Autong/ Kelton R. McKinley, USA
Abstract¡GDOW contains high concentration of nutrients that could bring solutions to man
             ¡@greatest needs including renewable energy and food. Includes an earlier work
             ¡@review, a valuation of multiproducts worth and the main scientific and technical
Keyword¡GDOW;nutrient;Redfield ratio;Virgin Islands;Roels;Aquaculture;diatom;alga;kelp;NELH;conversion;production;worth
Title¡GOverview of Mixing and the Marine Environment (U.S. Overview, Part 1)
Author¡GE. Eric Adams, USA
Abstract¡GA short review of the status of , and the needs for , modeling the field mixing
             ¡@processes in Ocean. Apply to Glabal Climate and CO2 storage, to the use of
             ¡@Renewable Energy and also ocean disposal.