Retour Club des Argonautes - Dossier Énergie Thermique des Mers


IOA Newsletter Vol.8, No.2 /Summer 1997
Title¡GIntroduction of IOA
Author¡GMichel Gauthier, France
Abstract¡GPaper prepared for IOA'97 at the OI'97 conference in singapore. It presents
             ¡@DOWA/OTEC potential and IOA's objectives, mission, activities and policy.
Title¡GExperimental Study of a Spray Flash Desalination
Author¡GHaruo Uehara / Yasuyuki Ikegami / Tsutomu Nakaoka / Toshiharu Hirota, Japan
Abstract¡GDescription of a experimental study for an OTEC plant using an ntegrated hybrid
             ¡@cycle to produce energy and fresh water.