Dossier Océan et énergie - Énergie Thermique des Mers

Sommaire IOA News Letters

Report on "Artificial Upwelling/Open Ocean Mariculture and Sea Bottom Surveys" Now Availiable

Carrie Matsuzaki
Member, IOA and Contributing Editor of its Newsletter

Copies of a recently completed report on "Arificial Upwelling/Open Ocean Mariculture and Sea Bottom Surveys" may be obtained from the College of Engineering, University of Hawaii or the Science and Technology Agency in Japan. The report resulted from work-shop held in Hawaii, bringing Japanese and US researchers together to prioritize research needs in the two areas. In addition, the researchers discussed the possibilities of  collaborative efforts between Japan and the US.

The artificial upwelling/open ocean mariculture section of the report contains reports of the five working groups:  deep ocean water discharge and hydrodynamic mixing; primary production in upwelled deep ocean water; marine ecosytem and fishery in upwelled deep ocean water; chemical and photochemical processes in up-welled deep ocean water;  and engineering and technological development.

Japanese participants contributed a report about their sea bottom survey research, which served as the foundation for the group's section. The compiled report includes sections about Japanese and US research on bathymertic and imaging surveys; subbottom survey; sampling and in situ measurements; sea bottom observation stations; and information management.

The report includes these workshop summaries as well as research interest statements prepared by the participants prior to the convening of the work-shops. These statements include descripants of the research the participants are interested in, why research in the area is needed, what results are expected, and suggestions for collaboration.

The Science and Technology Agency of Japan and the National Science Foundation of the United States sponsored four workshops, two held in Japan and two in the US.  Japan workshop topics included autonomous underwater vehicles and ocean space utilization while the US workshops discussed the topics listed above. A separate report about the Japan workshop was issued last year.

Copies of these reports (Artificial Upwelling/Open Ocean Mariculture and Sea Bottom Surveys and/or Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Ocean Space Utilization) may be obtained from:

Ocean Development Division
Science and Technology Agency
2-1, Kasumigaseki 2 Chome,Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100

College of Engineering
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2540 Dole St, Holmes Hall 240
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822